
Mashpee Dog Park Coordinating Committee

In accordance with the memorandum of understanding between the Town of Mashpee and The Stanton Foundation, dated February 5, 2015 and amended on June 1, 2016:

The Town of Mashpee will create a Coordinating Committee that will meet as required, but at least quarterly during the first three years of operation.

The Coordinating Committee will be responsible for:
o Recommending operating policies such as rules and regulations to the appropriate Town department;
o Regulating use by out of town dog owners;
o Developing the annual proposal to the Foundation for the use of follow-on capital grants from the Foundation; and
o Providing a written annual report to the Foundation during the first three years of operation.

The membership of the committee shall include two Town representatives and a member of the Friends of Mashpee Dog Park. Additional members may be added by unanimous consent of the initial members. The Town representatives currently designated are listed below by name and title. The Stanton Foundation must be notified of any changes in designated Town representatives within ten days of the change. E-mail notification is sufficient.

Changes in operating policies must be approved by the Mashpee Board of Selectmen.

Town representative 1: Wayne Taylor, Assistant Town Manager
Town representative 2: Catherine Laurent, Director of Public Works
Friends of Mashpee Dog Park representative: Tom Fox, President
Additional member: Don Chicoine, Animal Control Officer